Dr. Paul Agnew, Principal

Note From Principal
Welcome to Nan Gray Davis Elementary School! I am thrilled to be joining the Nan Gray Davis family this year as principal. Nan Gray Davis has always been a community school, and our faculty and staff are dedicated to providing the students in this community with a quality educational experience in
a safe and loving environment.
Nan Gray Davis enrolls over 400 students and employs over 50 staff members. We offer students a variety of fun and enriching educational experiences throughout the year to meet the needs of all students, celebrate the successes of our school, and make learning fun for our students!
Our school will be most successful when we have great involvement from our parents, grandparents, and entire community. We want you to be part of our school, and we encourage to take an active role in helping our students thrive. Attendance at school is vital, so help us by making sure your students are present and on time each day. And don’t let the learning stop at school—reading to your children at home is one of the most important factors that lead to success in school. We are excited to partner with you throughout this year to ensure our students’ success!
If there is ever anything I can do to help you, please do not hesitate to contact me. My email is pjagnew@mcpss.com, or call the school to schedule an appointment to meet with me. I cannot wait to get to know each and every one of our students this year!
Paul J. Agnew